I never thought that I would be able to do what I am doing today. When I newly started working in 2004, I knew office life is not my cup of tea. I could not accept a rigid, routine lifestyle. I knew I want out, but did not know what to do. Still, one of the vague ideas I had was to own a costume jewellery shop. Of course, there was only negative remarks about that idea, because it would cost a lot of money to start up.
I pushed through, in and out of jobs and found the best at British American Tobacco. The working environment was the best I could ever get. We worked under the 'Freedom of Responsibility' motto. I was able to go to work and leave office at my preference. I could take a break for breakfast, lunch or tea as long as my workload allows me. Yeah, that was really my cup of tea. But, still something in my heart, kept telling me, there must be something better than this. Something that I could do while I spend time with my family, without leaving home, AT ALL (coz, at BAT, we even have the luxury to work from home). Yeah, I know, bulan pun dah jatuh ke riba, tetapi masih mimpikan bintang-bintang di langit.
When I became pregnant with my second child, my hubby told me that if I wanted, I could stop work and be at home. What??? I did not hesitate at all, I wrote my resignation letter on that day itself. After a month, I was a free bird. I enjoyed every moment with my kids and cherished each and every moment of it.
Now that my son is attending Pre-school and my daughter is going to be 2, I found myself attracted to start up an online business. With hubby's motivation I launched Dangles N Dazzles in Jan 2014. The logo - DND, incooperates the initials of Dev Aarsyan, Nethianathan & Deleeina. I already had the idea, pics and logo in end of 2013 but was not confident to launch. Something that kept me sceptical was the fact that I had very few friends on FB(about 300-ish). With such low network, how am I ever going to get viewers, let alone followers.
Anyway, with some confidence from hubby, I started it and surprisingly, FB does a really good job. News does spread around, and I did get viewers and also followers who are not in my group of friends. Of coz, its a very slow process considering the number of friends I have, but it still exceeded my expectations. In fact, all the major target that I set for 6 months and 12 months was achieved easily within 4 months. (Well maybe coz I wanted to take it really slow, I set very low targets, but still the results are impressive).
So here am I now, doing exactly what I vaguely thought ill do, except that its a virtual shop. I believe in the law of attraction and this is one of the few things in life which I manage to attract. I enjoy what I am doing and the best part is I get to do what I love and not miss a single event in my children's life and hubby's too. :)